What is a good citizen

In class today we got a task where we had to choose 2 picture of what a good citizen is.

We choose to pick these two pictures and thinks they are perfect examples of what a good citizen is;  working hard and paying taxes,  Campaigning/raising awareness: Leonardo DiCaprio on climate changes.

Skjermbilde 2018-11-12 kl. 10.02.21.png

Why these two are important factors for being a good citizen,

First, by working hard and paying taxes you help the sosaties to go around. Without paying taxes the will be no health care, and the county would probably fall. If you work hard at your job you can manage to accomplish a great thing in your area, for example, technology, where you can bring the sosatie forward

Second, campaigning/raising awareness, by doing this you can not just help your own country, but also the world. DiCaprio has done a lot of important work for raising awareness of climate changes. He is a big influencer and probably reaches to a lot of people, it can be an important factor for the future of the world.

To sum up, to be a great citizen you have to behave and be a part of society, and do somthing.